Swans ska tydligen släppa nytt. Det ni.
The song “Jim” recently added to the playlist is an acoustic demo (solo at home) recording by michael gira. this, and many other new songs recorded in the same way comprise many of the new (rough versions) of songs under consideration, to be fleshed out on the coming new swans album. a cd of these acoustic versions, as well as a live (2 shows) dvd of m.gira will be for sale very soon as a hand made (by gira) package called I Am Not Insane (CD/DVD). this package – in a limited edition of 1000 - will be sold in order to raise money for the swans recordings/offset the huge costs involved... check back here or at younggodrecords.com for ordering details and more information...coming soon...coming soon...
principal players on the swans album are (and there will be many special guests):
Michael Gira / gtr / voice / mendicant friar act (original swans)
Norman Westberg – Guitar (original swans)
Christophj Hahn – Guitar (mid period swans and most angels)
Phil Puleo – Drums, percussion, dulcimer etc etc (final swans tour and most angels)
Chris Pravdica – Bass and gadgets (flux information sciences / services/ gunga din)
Thor Harris, Drums, percussion, vibes, dulcimer, curios, etc etc... (angels, now also with shearwater)
Angels Of Light is temporarily on hold while gira pursues his “new” project...
R.I.P. John Sykes
4 veckor sedan
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