söndag 20 december 2009

The living talks with the tounges of the dead

"Native Americans are almost a completely eradicated culture. They have been oppressed, and dissolved without any remorse or acknowledgment, really. Everyone in participating in the New America is also agreeing/participating in the decimation of Native American culture. So there is a brutality in cultural suppression and an unspoken honesty of the entire nation accepting these sacrifices. We, as a nation, fight for newness, capitalism, and see to it that the previous culture is completely forgotten. Unlike African American culture, which has been incorporated in through the side. Since Native Americans were in the way, they had to be guiltlessly done away with.

Bone Awl fights for newness with brutal, inevitable honesty. Inspired by the violence of humanity in stride.

The ghosts of Native American culture surface after their own apocalypse. The land has cultural ghosts that promote ideas that make more sense than anything our own culture tells us. Yet it is foreign, alienating, and coming from a ghost of a person who we helped kill. You cannot listen to this voice. Yet you do. You are inspired by the enemy’s voice. Was he my enemy? Yes he was. I just wasn’t there when we had to pull the trigger.

Bone Awl listens to an old, anti social voice, but we know clearly who we are not. We are not anything except this awful, paranoid, postmodern human.

The world moves on and an arrowhead turns up. World’s do really end. Things go extinct eternally. We are waiting to surface in the garbage dump and be examined. It is now at this point that the story is told, the values have hardened on its face like warts. Now, we know what it’s made of. We rub dirt on our living bodies to make the decomposition process easier and faster. We wear natural materials that dissolve as to not distract attention from what really matters.

Bone Awl accepts its own death. It accepts its place in life’s wild somersaulting. When the mummy is exhumed and it’s leather pouch examined, we want to, however, somehow remind humanity of how they have gone horribly awry to a new, farther length.

The newness not denied. The oldness holding it up in exaltation."

-Bone Awl-intervju med Vestal

Det verkar för övrigt som att min egna intuitiva tolkning av 'Night's Middle' inte var helt fel.

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